Out of respect for professional and amateur photographers and the copyright laws that protect their work, The World of Mime Theatre (WMT) will only post photos to this section for which we have obtained permission to do so.
In order to assist our visitors in finding mime-related pictures on the Internet, we have provided the links below. These links go to major online search engines that have image search features. Each link indicates the keyword or phrase that was used in the search to which its link corresponds.
The results of these image searches contain any photographs that the image search software has determined to be related to the search term(s). The software used by these engines may not distinguish between the word mime as a theatrical term and similar terms, for example MIME (an acronym for Multi-purpose Internet Mail Extensions), so some of the results may have nothing to do with the art of mime.
If the visitor's purpose in seeking mime photos is for research, WMT strongly advises taking into consideration the source of the Web page on which an image resides. WMT also discourages the copying or reproduction of photos or images from this or other websites without the permission of the respective copyright holder. Images posted on Web pages accessible to the general public are not necessarily in the public domain, and it may be unlawful to use them without such permission.
Search keyword or phrase | Search Engine |
mime | |
mime | Bing |
mime | Yahoo |
pantomime | |
pantomime | Bing |
pantomime | Yahoo |
"Marcel Marceau" | |
"Marcel Marceau" | Bing |
"Marcel Marceau" | Yahoo |
L I B R A R Y L I B R A R Y |
All information included in this section was either created as original material for The World of Mime Theatre, reprinted from another published source by permission of the author or publisher or both, or is believed to be in the public domain. Any person who believes that any portion of the above article has been used here in violation of existing copyrights should notify the author of this website immediately and the claim will be investigated. "Good faith" disclaimer
©1996-2019 The World of Mime Theatre. All rights reserved.
This page last updated 27 December 2018